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COVID Travel Essentials | Travel Accessories For Safe Travel in 2024

Whatever your reason for traveling in 2024 safety is going to be on your mind. As someone who travels for a living since the pandemic started, I’ve had to rethink how I travel to minimize the risk for myself and others around me. In this post, I highlight some COVID travel essentials you should think about investing in to help you stay safe when traveling in 2024 and beyond.

Of course, there is always going to be potential for more risk in catching the virus if you travel. But for many travel is necessary, and so you need to find ways of minimizing your risk. 

An Everyday Washable Multipurpose Face Mask

COVID Travel Essentials

Now I know for the actual traveling on an airplane you are going to want an [easyazon_link identifier=”B087LR59CF” locale=”US” tag=”clsitf-20″]N-95 Mask[/easyazon_link] but for everyday use I prefer something a bit more stylish and that I can washout daily. I found these super cute bandana/ facemask/ headbands on Hoorag which I love as they are perfect for adventure travelers like me who are short on luggage space! I love this mandala design in the bandana which you can also get as a regular facemask if you prefer that… or get both so you can match!

A Facemask Chain

COVID Travel Essentials

After months of throwing my facemask into my bag, putting it in my pocket, or having to place it down on unsanitized surfaces I finally gave in and bought a [easyazon_link identifier=”B08G4L6FZN” locale=”US” tag=”clsitf-20″]facemask chain[/easyazon_link]. And I love it! No more losing my mask. Now I can just slip it over my head in the morning and my mask is there whenever I need it.

Hand Sanitizer Clipon Holder

COVID Travel Essentials

Confession, my friend actually [easyazon_link identifier=”B08J2DYDYL” locale=”US” tag=”clsitf-20″]makes these[/easyazon_link], but it’s such a great product I can’t not share. I never leave home without mine clipped onto my bag. No more rummaging around in my bag for hand sanitizer, it’s always just right there when I need it.

It’s made from vegan leather and after having it clipped to my bag for the past 6 months it still looks as good as the day I bought it! It comes with a little leak-proof bottle that you can refill to save plastic waste. P.S. these make great travel gifts.  

Portable UV Light Sanitizer

COVID Travel Essentials

This is one for the real germaphobes. It’s the [easyazon_link identifier=”B08JSRGT6G” locale=”US” tag=”clairesummers-20″]portable UV light sanitizer[/easyazon_link]you didn’t know you needed haha. I’m not really sure that it’s something I’m going to be investing in personally. But if you are worried and want a way of sanitizing on the go, then it’s a great option for you. They also aren’t too expensive and are light enough to easily travel with.

Disposable Airplane Seat and Tray Covers

COVID Travel Essentials

I can’t believe this is actually a thing in 2021. But here we are! If the idea of flying freaks you out to the point that your planning on traveling in a hazmat suit anyway (don’t laugh, I’ve seen it with my own eyes) then why not go the whole hog and buy some [easyazon_link identifier=”B08JY9Y4KL” locale=”US” tag=”clairesummers-20″]disposable airplane seat and tray covers[/easyazon_link]? Make sure you get a twin pack so you have a set to fly there and back with.

Travel PPE Kit For A Round Trip

COVID Travel Essentials

I actually made myself a little travel PPE kit full of my COVID travel essentials, but you can also [easyazon_link identifier=”B08L3B1QVG” locale=”US” tag=”clairesummers-20″]buy the Travel PPE kits online[/easyazon_link]. Most of them just have disposable items for a one-way trip, so if you are going a round trip be sure to buy one that is good for 2 journeys. Most of them come in the own bag, like a first aid kit, so you can simply replenish anything that runs out.