How to Make A Blogger Media Kit

There comes a point in every aspiring blogger’s career when you realize you need a blogger media kit. This may be because some online blogging guru has told you you need one, or more likely a brand you have pitched to has asked to see yours. Either way, I’m guessing you are here because you know you need to put something together, but you have no idea where to even start.

Don’t worry my friend, I got you! In this blog post, I’m going to talk you through exactly what you need to know to make a blogger’s media kit including what you need to put on it.

If you haven’t read my other two blog posts about how to get your blog sponsored and how to write the perfect pitch, then I recommend you read those posts first and come back to this one after.

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What is a media kit and why do you need one?

A blogger media kit is a document used to outline important statistics and information about your blog to help potential brands and advertisers make a decision as to whether they want to work with you or not. Think of it as a snapshot of your blog’s greatest achievements.

So why do bloggers need a media kit?

Simple, MONEY! If making money from your blog is one of your main goals then having a blogger press kit is essential for letting marketers know about you and your blog. Your media kit needs to have everything they need to know from your social media stats through to the services you offer (don’t forget the prices).

No brand is going to take you seriously and pay you the big bucks if you don’t take yourself seriously. So it’s time to get professional and that means making yourself a media kit. Every time you pitch a brand it is important to attach your media kit so they have all of the information they need to make a decision about working with you. The more professional you appear, the more seriously they are going to take you, and all of this, of course, adds up to more money!

I have been in the unique position of working as both a travel influencer and a brand working with influencers. Whenever I received a pitch from a blogger about a potential collaboration and they didn’t have a media kit I would reply asking for one. If they told me they didn’t have one then I would pass on working with them. As far as most brands are concerned, if you don’t have a blogger media pack, you are not a professional.

blogger media kit

What to include in your blogger press kit

Ok, so now you know why you need a blogger media pack, it’s time to figure out what to put in it. The most important thing to think about when making your first blogger press kit is it has to make you sound good, look professional, and be a reflection of you and your blog.

So this means that if you are a new blogger and don’t have thousands of followers on social media, or 100k views on your blog each month, then it is going to be important to focus on growth. You may only have 5k followers on Instagram, but what is your engagement rate? If your blog only has 7k views a month that’s fine, how much have you grown in the last 6 months? Focusing on growth is important as it will demonstrate that you are a good person to work with now as you are on the way up.

Another point to focus on is who you have already worked with. It is irrelevant if this is a paid partnership or a trade. The important thing is that that brand has worked with you. The likelihood is you will be doing lots of trades until you are well established.

The point of this media kit is to highlight the things you are most proud of and are going to make you sound good to potential partners. It goes without saying that reading papers about social media and keeping up to date with the latest social media trends is also important for your business growth.

Here are the things you must include in your blogger media kit…

blogger media kit

What to include in your media kit

Your Bio

Keep it short and to the point. This is going to be the first thing they read so it needs to be in the first person and a reflection of your personal voice. Write this how you write your blog so they can know right away your tone and if it fits with their brand.

Images and Graphics

so very important! Your media kit needs to be on-brand for you. Make sure it’s in your colors, include your logo, images that show clearly who you are and what you do. Also include some icons where relevant. You want to make this media kit as visual as possible. Not a graphic designer? No worried all you really need is Canva Pro and one of my Media Kit Templates.


Now the nitty-gritty part, the stats. Please, whatever you do, don’t just list your stats, or bury them in a paragraph of writing. Instead, use icons, or other graphics, make the stats you are most proud of really stand out using colors or shapes. You can include whatever stats you like in this, but here are the most common stats you should include:

  • Your subscribers: Email, social media, RSS, etc.
  • Monthly page views
  • Monthly unique visitors
  • Demographics about your readers – I always include age, gender, and country

Remember if you’re a new blogger focus on growth so add in some stats or graphs showing that growth.

Want to know how I skyrocketed my monthly affiliate earning? It’s all down to Anna and Tom. Click to learn more about how you can kill it at affiliate marketing

How you can work together/ Services offered

This is really going to depend on what you want to include here. To get you started here are the most common ways brands work with bloggers, you can also list your prices next to the services and include or exclude anything you like. This list is personal to you and I encourage you to get as creative as you can with what you offer.

  • Sponsored Posts
  • Press Trips
  • Giveaways
  • Sidebar Ads
  • Social Media Promotion
  • Product Reviews

I personally don’t sell advertising space on my blog, but that is just my personal preference since I have Mediavine Ads I don’t want any other ads on here.

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Testimonials and previous collaborations

This is your social proof. Ask a few people who have worked with you if they can write a sentence or two about their experience working with you. This may not be so easy when you are just starting out. But once you have a few collaborations under your belt you will easily be able to do this. As well as a testimonial or two in this section you need to include other brands you have worked with. Rather than listing them, I prefer to use logos to make this section more visible.

Some of the brands I work with and I’m very happy to have found are and Safetywing. They both have great affiliate referral programs that, trust me, can become very good alliances. Now, if you wonder about AirBnB, they used to have an affiliate program as well but they decided to call it quits, which was devastating for many bloggers like me out there.

Contact information

So important! Make sure you tell people how to connect with you and what information they should send you. 

Designing Your Media Kit

Confession time. I created my first press kit and it sucked! I made it in Canva and it was fine, but graphic design just isn’t my thing. Canva Pro is a godsend though and when you invest in it you can also get access to all of their tutorials, AND stock images. These days I outsource all of my design work to a professional, but I know when you are starting out you might not be able to afford to have someone custom make you a blogger media kit, in which case you have two other options:

  1. Buy a media kit template
  2. Do it yourself

I have 4 awesome media kit Canva templates for sale in my online store over at Good Girls Creative and of course as you are already a reader here is a code for 20% off the cost of any of the templates!

Just enter CLAIRESITCHYFEET at the checkout. And please check back in and let me know how you get on I’d love to see what you create with the templates!

blogger media kit

Media Kit Design Tips From a Pro


Embrace space. Surround words and images with white space to let elements breathe. Having white space around text boxes, images and other graphic elements makes a design easier to read. It’s also more likely to attract attention than a cluttered composition.


Don’t overdo the color. If you want to incorporate color do so sparingly. Even if your brand color is pink, it doesn’t need to be in every image, title, graphic, or even page. One tip for adding color to your media kit is to put color blocks on alternating pages, rather than every page.


Speaking of color, do not use black as your body font color. Believe it or not, black is actually quite hard on the eyes to read, especially when it’s on a white, or even light, background.
Choose a dark grey or slightly off black shade for your body fonts.


Choose your fonts wisely. Pick something that is easily readable. The most important thing in your media kit is the information, so don’t make it difficult for someone to decipher. You should have a title font + a body font. (Your body font should never be a script font.) Also, know that certain fonts pair better than others. For ideas and pairings, try this website: FontPair


Don’t cram! Use as many pages as is needed to include all the necessary information in your media kit. There is nothing worse than trying to read a media kit that has way too much information crammed into 2 pages. If you see media kits from top influencers, they are often 7 or 8 pages long. So don’t be afraid of going longer than 2 pages.

You’re welcome!

Blogging Courses

So, now you have your Media Kit ready but you want to make sure your blogging and SEO skills at the top of their game, don’t worry, it happens more often than you would think. I have actually dedicated a whole blog post about The Best Courses For Travel Bloggers 2021.

If you are looking to improve your SEO skills you should take a look at the Good Girls Creative Blog. You will find everything you need to know from tips, tools, and terminology to be an SEO master.


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blogger media kit